Should I Add a Second Storey To My House?

Do you ever wonder if you were missing out by living in a single storey home?

Well… it is highly likely that you are.

A second storey home provides more living space, more storage space, more natural light, an opportunity for breathtaking views, and more options for design.

This is why adding a second storey is always on the bucket list of many homeowners on the North Shore.

Let’s find out if your home is a good candidate for a second-storey addition.

The opportunity to build up is awesome because you don’t have to relocate to another house to have the space that you want.

It is exciting, isn’t it?

But first, you have to answer these questions with your home builder to determine whether you can proceed with a second-storey addition to your home.

Do you have a budget for a second-storey addition?

Here’s a myth: An upward expansion costs a lot of money. This turns many homeowners off the prospect of adding a second storey to their homes.

Please do not put a damper on having your dream second-storey addition for this reason alone. A mark of a really good home building team is their ability to create a design that reduces costs. From early on, they are certain about how much the design and build will actually cost and give you a firm quotation right then and there.

From early on, they are certain about how much the design and build will actually cost and give you a firm quotation right then and there.

Get you a full-service design and building company that can do this for you.

Is it structurally sound? Will it suit your floor plan?

With the help of an architect, you can get your ideas on paper so you can see what is achievable considering your home’s floor plan and structure. Together, you view generated images so you can find out what’s realistic and what’s not.

Take into consideration your home’s structure

Extending upwards means adding extra weight to your existing house. So you need to make sure that it can handle the pressure of a second floor.

Some homes are just not structurally built to handle the extra weight of a second storey.

Take into consideration your home’s floor plan

You also have to sacrifice space downstairs like an actual room to create enough space for the stairway that will lead to the second floor. This usually surprises people who have limited floor plans.

But no need to worry, an expert in stair design will know how to make the most of the available space you have in your home – no matter how small, integrating it so well into the existing layout that no one would guess your home was originally a one-storey home.

Does your second-storey addition comply with council regulations?

You have probably heard of council approvals all this time you’ve been living on the North Shore. To renovate here, it’s never a simple matter of deciding to build and proceeding with it.

You need the approval of your local council on whether you can add a second storey to your home – and if you do get approval, you will need to comply with certain requirements for design according to your area.

A reliable home building company builds homes in strict accordance with the Building Code of Australia. To get the best, choose one who has insured contracts with the Home Building Compensation Fund.

Do I have to leave my home?

Finally, choose a home building company that can work on your second-storey with you being there. This way, you can save more money than if you were renting an apartment or another home during the construction of your second-storey.

Experienced builders will avoid essential living spaces such as bathrooms, the laundry and the kitchen unless absolutely necessary and will do everything to minimise the disruption to the homeowner.

Have you found a reputable designer and builder?

By entrusting your second-storey plans to a reputable full-service design and build company, you no longer have to hire a designer here and a builder there.

It is much more convenient to work with a designer, an architect, and a builder from the same company. Why not when you can get everything you need in one place?

With their expertise, they can guide you at every phase of your building project, making sure they accommodate all your needs and satisfy your desires for your home.

Addstyle: Good Standing Full-Service Design and Build Company Of 30 Years

Addstyle is a family-owned and operated full-service design and build company. We are in the rare situation of being a company in the northern beaches to have held the same building license since 1987.

What that means is that we operate a thriving business that’s never become bankrupt or involved in any unlawful activity.

And why would we when we have built long lasting relationships with our clients? The Addstyle team has built an excellent reputation across Sydney’s northern beaches over the years and intends to keep it that way.

If you are contemplating adding a second storey to your home, call us now and let our team of licensed professionals map out a design that works with your budget and adds value to your home.

With Addstyle, there will be no surprises, no additional work and no additional costs. Everything you need, all in one place.


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